Monday, August 2, 2010

Delia has arrived

Delia Marie Gill was born into this world on August, 2nd at 5:13am at Georgetown Hospital. Mom and Baby D are doing exceptional. Delia weighed in at 7lbs4oz and was 20.25in long. Mom labored for around 24hrs in total with half at home and the last stretch at the hospital. The staff in the Georgetown labor and delivery ward were great. Particular kudos must be extended to our labor/delivery nurse, Pam. She was an old hat at traditional birthing and fully supported, defended, and assisted Tara and I in achieving a natural delivery. Tara was at her determined best throughout the labor and really shined in the final stages delivering Delia to a full-house of medical onlookers in awe of her seeing through a drug free birth. She also wowed all the nurses with her sense of maternity style (thanks Elva and James!) sporting a sassy lil gown throughout the process.

I remain in awe of the entire process and the strength, determination, and perseverance of my lovely wife. Seeing Tara and Delia together for the first time humbled and touched me in a way that I frankly do not have adequate enough vocabulary to describe. Neither of these things rarely afflict me so I am quite sure that this was a watershed event.

Delia is adjusting nicely to life on the "outside." As this is my first rodeo with birthing babies I am not sure how other babies typically react in their first few hours of life on Planet Earth. Perhaps it is a result of a drug free delivery but, Baby D is an extremely aware baby. She opened her eyes early after birth and has had them open ever since, save a cat nap or two. She has not went into a deep, multi-hour sleep rather has spent her first 12 hours on earth looking to and fro as well as feeding with mama. I have been able to attract her attention and maintain sustained eye contact with her on multiple occasions. An awe inspiring set of circumstances for those yet unaware of the deceptive strength that a baby possesses, particularly your own! She is also remarkable settled meaning she is not overly fussy and cries very little and only for small periods. She truly is a remarkable addition to Team Gill!


  1. Congrats!!! I knew she would come when I was away. I am happy that I was able to share some classy Union Station Chinese food with the laboring parents.

    I cannot wait to meet her.

  2. Go Team Gill! And props to Super-Mom and Super-Dad! Proud of both of you and excited to meet the newest addition to all of our families :) Love you!

  3. 24 hours?!?! Wow! Way to go all three of you! Congrats!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Congrats on the drug-free delivery! We did it natural too. It is astonishing how few people do it that way. (not so long ago the natural was was the only way available)
